About us

Loving Hands Home Care Services has provided in-home care services to the elderly, developmentally disabled, bed ridden and permanently disabled individuals for more than 30 years. The Loving Hands team makes a difference in the lives of our clients each and every day. If you believe your loved one would enjoy the satisfaction of receiving assistance from the comfort of your own home, you may be interested in becoming a Loving Hands client.


Home Helpers In-Home Care Services is more than an in-home health care agency: we’re your extended family when family can’t be there. We’re a locally owned, trusted provider of quality, compassionate in-home care, and we customize our home care solutions to your unique situation for an affordable solution that keeps your loved one where they’re happiest: at home

Contact us

As you investigate the different options available to you, you want to choose the type of care that fits into your lifestyle. One of the first things on your mind is how your care decisions will affect your bank account. You are not alone; many people searching for care are apprehensive about the potential financial burden of paying for long-term care. What will home care cost for you? It may be more affordable than you think.